2012 Ashlar Lodge Milestones

The diligence and considered leadership of W.Bro. B.Arnold in 2012 lead to several important milestones in the history of Ashlar Lodge.


W.Bro.Arnold marshalled the energy and capacity of this Lodge to become the first in the region to gain full "Cornerstone" status. This Grand Lodge initiative recognizes Lodges which provide a varied and inclusive combination of events and work.

In addition, this year saw a resurgence in the inter-lodge cooperaton within the London West Masonic District. The work and travel invested by W.Bro.Arnold in the previous year, and supported by the 2013 Sr.Warden, was instrumental in this effort.

The year was not without sadness and loss. However, the annual Remembrance Day parades also saw Ashlar out in force. Further, W.Bro. Arnold, with the help of V.W.Bro.M.Dale, performed a version of the Empty Chair ceremony for all fallen Brethren who had served in the Armed Forces. A special education was also provided to instruct and remind Brethren of the protocols to be observed at civic Memorial Services.

This year saw the return of the Master's Summer BBQ and a special MasoniCh.I.P. mini-event sponsored by Ashlar. In addition, the Lodge furnishings were updated as 130+ year-old chairs and podia were acquired from a Lodge in Brussels Ontario which was amalgamting with Wingham Lodge. Several Brethren contributed heaily to their resoration and care. The year closed with with Lodge if excellent shape and with harmony in the forefront.

W.M.B.Arnold (center) with senior officers Bro.J.M.Cousins, S.W. (right of center), Bro.A.Orlay, J.W. (left of center) and 2012 Officers.

W.M.B.Arnold (center) with senior officers Bro.J.M.Cousins, S.W. (right of center), Bro.A.Orlay, J.W. (left of center) and 2012 Officers.


2016 New Tin Ceiling


2011 Ashlar Lodge Milestones